Has the transformer failed?
by Daniel Desrosiers, Hydro-Quebec
Hydro-Quebec goes proactive to ensure line worker safety, improve customer satisfaction, and increase operational efficiency by specifying the IFD Sensor in its transformers.
Learn how Hydro-Quebec uses the IFD Sensor to reach their objective of achieving zero accidents, improve efficiencies, and realize an operational advantage by removing the time-consuming decision-making process of whether to return-to-service or replace a transformer.

Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative Inc.
by William Atkinson
When Mike Barringer, Distribution Engineering Director for SMECO, and J.R. Grow, Job Training and Safety Manager for Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative for SMECO, first learned about the IFD Sensor back in 2005 they were immediately interested. They saw a number of benefits, the first being improved safety for linemen working out in the field. Barringer, who at that time had been in the utility industry for 25 years, had witnessed transformer blowouts that were far from pretty and that placed linemen in danger.
Learn how SMECO not only improved safety for line crews in the field but also rely on the IFD Sensor to restore power in as timely a manner as possible—this is a big-time and money saver.

Is your transformer OK?
by Roozbeh Movafagh, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, and Dan Mulkey, Mulkey Engineering
Enhanced safety is the reason PG&E has specified IFD Sensors on all new overhead transformers. Although the catastrophic failure of an overhead transformer is a rare occurrence, PG&E knows it does happen. In 2000, a PG&E lineman escaped serious injury when an overhead transformer he was working on exploded while the lineman replaced fuses and closed them into a dead short—there was no outward sign the transformer had failed.
Learn how PG&E found a way to prevent the risk of catastrophic failure and made line work a little easier and safer.